Global Training & Experience.

I have been training across the United States including Los Angeles for the past 20 years. I have been listed as one of the top trainers in Los Angeles and New York. In the past several years I have been training via Skype and FaceTime. Using the Internet as it allows me a greater reach. Working through these means allows me to be in anyone's home or gym anywhere in the world. This brings a great level of confidence and comfort to all my clients.

Focus on Total Health.

Health is not just lifting weights and running. Total Health and the best results come from implementing a program focused on nutrition, exercise and your state of mind. The body can only accomplish what the mind sets itself on. We will work through what is holding you back and what we can do to break down those walls.

Personalized Meal Plans & Exercise

What do you love and what do you hate? My programs will take into account what you do and do not like to do. Is there something you just have to eat or an exercise you just can't do? We will find a way to implement that into your meal plan or substitute an exercise you're not comfortable with. Remember you may have to give some things up to achieve your goals but we will get you there in time.

Body By Jenny


Total Health By Jenny

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